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HomeAbout SCAU

What is SCAU?

Suburban Chicago Apple Users
A group of over 100 Chicago-area Apple users who regularly…
  • Exchange best practices, tips and offer help to each other.

  • Make savvy use of technology dollars.

  • Keep current on changes in technology.

  • Enjoy knowing others who share our passions about Apple.

Accordion Widget
Q: Can I email about a technology problem?
Q: Can I email about a technology problem?

A: Bring that question to an upcoming virtual or in person event other users love to help! You can ask your questions during the Q&A sessions. The best place to ask your questions is vising our member community click here:

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Q: Do you offer classes?
Q: Do you offer classes?

A: We suggest those at the Apple store and area libraries or senior centers.

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Q: Can you refer me to a good technology tutor?
Q: Can you refer me to a good technology tutor?

A: Officially, no. But connecting with SCAU attendees is a good way to find a technology consultant via word of mouth.

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Q: What other ways can I seek assistance?
Q: What other ways can I seek assistance?

A: You can join our Facebook page. Members may access our public forum where all members can comment or pose questions.

Our Leadership Team


Jeff Scheithe


Rich Fabits

Vice President


Ray Wolfel



Susan Kayser


Our History

Our group originated in 1991 as “The Northwest of Us” Mac users after the suburbanites split from a city Mac group known as “The Rest of Us”.

The 2015 name change to “Suburban Chicago Apple Users” reflects Apple’s broadening range of devices beyond Macintosh computers, as well as the group members’ diverse expertise.

Many long-time members and Mac users are iOS newbies, or may not use an iPhone. Many visitors and newer members use a PC along with their iPhone or iPad or Apple Watch.


Our beginnings

We began from humble beginnings. Small groups would gather around informal meetings and discuss the latest technology. The underlying core philosophy of the group was “Members helping members”. That mission is still the basis of our group years later.

Today’s User Group

Our group now meets in a venue that fits us like a glove. Fully equiped with a full suite of teaching technology so member can learn explore and grow in a supportive environment.
